Saturday, March 29, 2008

Accidents in the UAE

Accidents are one of the major problems in the UAE. The rates of accidents in the UAE are rapidly increasing as the years pass by and many lives have been taking because of these accidents.
What causes the accidents? and How to prevent them?

There are many causes of these accidents, one of the main causes is that people do not learn or obey the rules of the road. They speed a lot and have races with other people, they talk on their mobile phones while driving and the number of people drinking and driving has increased. There are other types of causes, when people are inpatient and they are late while a slow car is in front of them, they start taking unnecessary risks to continue on without thinking. Another cause is the weather, for example: there was a huge traffic accident near Ghantoot on the morning of March the 11th. Lack of vision (because of fog) and speeding caused major accidents and took many lives and landed many in the hospitals. Another type of weather is the rain, since UAE is not used to the rain many accidents have been caused because the people here don’t now how to control the car in the rain but they still speed.

Since accidents are rapidly increasing, the United Arab Emirates police department has introduced new laws. Tougher penalties have been made, restriction to all young drivers who cause accidents. Driving schools have increased the period of training and tougher exams have been made. All Driving schools in the UAE have to do drug tests to all their students before exam. There are other things that the government, companies and the people themselves could do to prevent these accidents. Time management in this country is bad , Schools , collages and jobs all start and finish at the same time, they should organize the timings so that there will be less traffic on the roads. People should manage their timings too, they should leave enough time to reach their destination without having to rush. Governments and companies could help prevent accidents by rewarding employee’s free period of license extension, cash bonus and offer reduction in vehicles registration costs if they are accident-free for a year.

To prevent these accidents from occurring, police have introduced new laws that have worked and decreased the number of accidents by 14% (source Gulf news) but that’s not enough, people should start thinking about ways to prevent these from happening in the future.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Global Warming

One of the serious problems which are facing the globe is Global Warming. Global Warming is defined as “gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature” ( There are many causes of Global Warming and the most important one is the increase of Carbon dioxide in the air as a result of human activities. It is concern because this Global Warming is causing a lot of changes to the earth climate, ice melting, tornados and hurricanes. 40% of people are drinking from the Himalayas water, which is melting (An Inconvenient Truth). It is a very significant issue which we all should care about and try to solve it, and there are a lot of ways to help the world which are using renewable energy (wind and solar energy) instead of oil and other fossil fuels and reducing the emissions from cars and trucks.

We are polluting the air with Carbon dioxide in many ways such as burning fossil flues to run cars and lights. Vibrant sources like oil are used daily these days and most of the things in our life works with it, but this source is causing a lot of damage to the earth so, people should start using other sources to help the environment and reduce the earth temperature. Using renewable energy would be helpful enough for life to goes on and for the environment to keep breathing. The United States starts to generate 70% of its electricity from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and only 2% of renewable resources. Also, solar energy can be used to heat water instead of using the water heaters.

Cars and trucks are producing carbon dioxide which is also causing Global warming. For that, people should reduce emissions from cars and trucks. With the evolution of technology, it is possible these days to use cars which can be driven with the solar energy. Also, by using other resources different then oil, governments would reduce the dependence of foreign oil. Moreover, people should be smarter with using their cars and try to use different transportation as bicycle or walking.
In summary, people reject this fact “an inconvenient truth” because they refuse to live an old life without cars, electronics and factories which are producing things to make their life easier and faster. we all have the ability to change this fact, by the cars we drive, things we do and electricity we use. Solutions are in our hands, we have to corporate together and save the world by using renewable energy (wind and solar energy) instead of oil and other fossil fuels and reducing the emissions from cars and trucks. All that could be done by advertising in newspapers and media, ask the companies for renewable resources and the most important thing is to start changing our life and help the earth and the next generations. People should be more educated about it and the ways of solving this problem and know the result of their actions.

· National geographic society, Washington, 2007
· An Inconvenient truth.
· Sierra club national headquarters, San Francisco, USA

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Rapid Development of the UAE

Abu Dhabi was an island covered in sand. In the 18th century a Baniyas Bedouin tribe discovered water, so the leader moved his people to the island. Soon to follow were the Nahiyan ruling family, who moved from Liwa Oasis. The ‘Abu Dhabi’ translated means (father of the Gazelle) because of the number of wildlife in the region.

The discovery of oil brought many changes to the country, the local people’s
standard of living improved immensely. Oil made this country rich; oil improved the local’s health, education and way of living. The infrastructure also greatly improved. The oil made Abu Dhabi popular. Technology was brought into the region enabling Abu Dhabi to connect to the outside.
Oil brought many different nationalities and cultures to this region.
The improvement in this country wasn’t only due to oil but the vision of a wise leader Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and the UAE people.

Positive Effect:
The infrastructure of the country improved a lot. Roads, airports, hospitals, schools, universities, collages, banks and malls were built. The sandy country was planted with trees, flowers and grass. All the sand was replaced and the city became a green city. The health care improved with world-class professional experts, health tools and technology.
Many foreigners came to this country for vacation, business and property. Tourism has prospered. Technology improved such as TV, Satellites and internet. There are many opportunities to find jobs for locals as well as expatriates. In the past, many items such as clothing, certain types of food and house hold items were unavailable. People had to go abroad to get such things whereas today you can get everything you need here. Education today is freely available. There are universities, collages and even institutes, where you can get your degrees, as in the past you had to go abroad.

Negative Effects:
Due to the population increase, there is pollution increase and congestion. Old values are taken away by new ideas and modernization. The older generations have experienced a culture shock. The new generations are losing their own identity by copying foreigner’s behavior and implementing it into their daily lives. There is also a lot of emphasis on teaching English in school rather then teaching the mother tongue Arabic. The internet has bad effects on our generation by showing things which are harmful to our morals and beliefs .TV programs showing girlfriends and boyfriends and promiscuality which is not apart of our culture and religion, is very harmful.

As the saying goes, you have to take the bad with the good. So, as to have all these benefits of good health, education, technology and wealth, we have to sacrifice and compromise.
All in all the UAE has come along way in a very short time.