Thursday, March 13, 2008

Global Warming

One of the serious problems which are facing the globe is Global Warming. Global Warming is defined as “gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature” ( There are many causes of Global Warming and the most important one is the increase of Carbon dioxide in the air as a result of human activities. It is concern because this Global Warming is causing a lot of changes to the earth climate, ice melting, tornados and hurricanes. 40% of people are drinking from the Himalayas water, which is melting (An Inconvenient Truth). It is a very significant issue which we all should care about and try to solve it, and there are a lot of ways to help the world which are using renewable energy (wind and solar energy) instead of oil and other fossil fuels and reducing the emissions from cars and trucks.

We are polluting the air with Carbon dioxide in many ways such as burning fossil flues to run cars and lights. Vibrant sources like oil are used daily these days and most of the things in our life works with it, but this source is causing a lot of damage to the earth so, people should start using other sources to help the environment and reduce the earth temperature. Using renewable energy would be helpful enough for life to goes on and for the environment to keep breathing. The United States starts to generate 70% of its electricity from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and only 2% of renewable resources. Also, solar energy can be used to heat water instead of using the water heaters.

Cars and trucks are producing carbon dioxide which is also causing Global warming. For that, people should reduce emissions from cars and trucks. With the evolution of technology, it is possible these days to use cars which can be driven with the solar energy. Also, by using other resources different then oil, governments would reduce the dependence of foreign oil. Moreover, people should be smarter with using their cars and try to use different transportation as bicycle or walking.
In summary, people reject this fact “an inconvenient truth” because they refuse to live an old life without cars, electronics and factories which are producing things to make their life easier and faster. we all have the ability to change this fact, by the cars we drive, things we do and electricity we use. Solutions are in our hands, we have to corporate together and save the world by using renewable energy (wind and solar energy) instead of oil and other fossil fuels and reducing the emissions from cars and trucks. All that could be done by advertising in newspapers and media, ask the companies for renewable resources and the most important thing is to start changing our life and help the earth and the next generations. People should be more educated about it and the ways of solving this problem and know the result of their actions.

· National geographic society, Washington, 2007
· An Inconvenient truth.
· Sierra club national headquarters, San Francisco, USA

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