Saturday, March 29, 2008

Accidents in the UAE

Accidents are one of the major problems in the UAE. The rates of accidents in the UAE are rapidly increasing as the years pass by and many lives have been taking because of these accidents.
What causes the accidents? and How to prevent them?

There are many causes of these accidents, one of the main causes is that people do not learn or obey the rules of the road. They speed a lot and have races with other people, they talk on their mobile phones while driving and the number of people drinking and driving has increased. There are other types of causes, when people are inpatient and they are late while a slow car is in front of them, they start taking unnecessary risks to continue on without thinking. Another cause is the weather, for example: there was a huge traffic accident near Ghantoot on the morning of March the 11th. Lack of vision (because of fog) and speeding caused major accidents and took many lives and landed many in the hospitals. Another type of weather is the rain, since UAE is not used to the rain many accidents have been caused because the people here don’t now how to control the car in the rain but they still speed.

Since accidents are rapidly increasing, the United Arab Emirates police department has introduced new laws. Tougher penalties have been made, restriction to all young drivers who cause accidents. Driving schools have increased the period of training and tougher exams have been made. All Driving schools in the UAE have to do drug tests to all their students before exam. There are other things that the government, companies and the people themselves could do to prevent these accidents. Time management in this country is bad , Schools , collages and jobs all start and finish at the same time, they should organize the timings so that there will be less traffic on the roads. People should manage their timings too, they should leave enough time to reach their destination without having to rush. Governments and companies could help prevent accidents by rewarding employee’s free period of license extension, cash bonus and offer reduction in vehicles registration costs if they are accident-free for a year.

To prevent these accidents from occurring, police have introduced new laws that have worked and decreased the number of accidents by 14% (source Gulf news) but that’s not enough, people should start thinking about ways to prevent these from happening in the future.

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