Thursday, April 10, 2008

Smoking in public places

Everyday many people die because of smoking. Teenagers in this generation think that smoking makes them a man and that they are strong, therefore there are a lot of people smokers in malls and public places, and in this essay I will examine the arguments about forbidden smoking in public areas.

There are several arguments that smoking shouldn’t be forbidden in public areas, people smoke when every they want because it’s a free country, people are not going to waste there time by leaving the mall or any other place because they want to smoke a cigarette, they will just prefer to smoke were ever they are so, that they wont waste their time, people will rather smoke near their family so, that they can always have a nice time together , instead of him/her leaving the place for a while just for a stupid cigarette.

However, there are many convincing arguments against smoking in public places. One of the main points is that smoking is poisonous and it affects our health. As researchers have show that the people who inhaul the smoke becomes more effected then the smoker himself. Another point is that the smoke effects peoples eyes a lot , when they smoke enters the eye it will burn a lot and turn dark red, Finally , the smell of the cigarette can be smelled from a far distance and the peoples cloths will be soaked of the smokes bad smell even if they weren’t smoking.

In conclusion, smoking in public areas should be band, although quitting will be hard for everybody but its worth it. The research health department should help people quit smoking by starting a program for all addicted smokers.