Monday, February 25, 2008

Conflict Diamonds

In the world there are so many diamonds, mostly all of them are conflict diamonds; what are conflict diamonds? how to buy a conflict-free diamond? how to prevent them? And did anybody do something about conflict diamonds? As you read on I’ll explain all of these questions.

Conflict diamonds are diamonds which are solid in order to fund weapons and civil war. Profits are gained from the trade in conflict diamonds. They are worth billions of dollars. A lot of people were killed so, that warlords and rebels could buy weapons. They sell diamonds to buy weapons for the war, which have cost them an estimated 3.7 million lives. The war ended but conflict diamonds hasn’t gone away, as the rebels control the areas which have these diamonds, In order to smuggle them out of the country no matter how many people they kill or keep as slaves.

When you go shopping for diamond you should ask the salesperson four simple questions to see if they are conflict free diamonds, they should always be happy to help you answer the questions but if not leave and go somewhere else. The questions are;

1) How can I be sure none of your jewellery contains conflict diamonds?

2) Do you know were the diamonds came from?

3) Can I see a copy of your company’s policy on conflict diamonds?

4) Can you show me a written guarantee from your diamond supplier stating your diamonds are conflict-free?

When you buy a diamond there are a lot things to think about. You may here that the color, cut, clarity and carrots weight are the main things. What about conflict diamonds that caused the war in Africa so, shouldn’t you think about that too? As a customer you can help to protect these innocent people by being used by the warlords, by making sure that the diamond industries are keeping their promises to end the trade in conflict diamonds. The diamonds may be expensive but people lives are priceless.

In 2003, an international certification scheme called Kimberley process was lunched, making conflict diamond trades illegal. This process guaranties that conflict free diamonds will be officially in all shipments of rough diamonds to different countries. The international industry agreed that the conflict free diamond will be tracked until they are sold. All who sells conflict free diamonds should include a written guarantee. The diamond industry agreed to include written garuntees to all invoices, to adopt a code of conduct to prevent buying and selling of conflict diamonds, to Train staff about company policies and government regulations and to Keep records of all invoices and have them audited every year.

In 2004, amnesty international and global witnesses conducted a survey of diamond jewelers to see if they are keeping their promises to stop conflict trade. Not all sellers were following the polices, 18% had warranties and 22% of them had no policy at all. Diamond jeweler sellers must guarantee to follow the system and to make sure that their suppliers are only dealing with conflict free diamonds.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Diamond Trade

Diamonds are shiny rocks which people are suffering and killing for, so as to sell to people who enjoy wearing it, for a lot of money.

Mostly all of the diamonds produced around the world comes from Africa. These diamonds produced by the biggest diamond mining company located in South Africa. This company controls over 80% of the world’s rough diamond trade. In the 20th century this company kept prices of the diamonds high because they restricted the amount of diamonds on the market.

There are other cities which are involved in trade business, one of them is Antwerp. The Jewish quarter of Antwerp are involved in diamond one way or another, they buy and sell rough and polished diamonds, where they have been diamond center for 600 years. The people that are associated in the trade are not only Jewish but also Indians and Lebanese. Since India was cheaper to cut and polish diamonds, many of the cutters and polishers went to India and only 1500 were left in the city. The amount of rough diamonds that past through the city is about 90%.Diamonds come from Johannesburg and Gujarat, then they are cut and polished, Indian workers get paid get paid 40 cent for each piece they cut and polish.

Another city called Dubai, which has a growing reputation as the diamond hub. In the Dubai there is a very interesting deal made by the government. All diamond traders will
have 50 years of zero tax holidays in Dubai. The business in Dubai is worth nearly £1 billion and its still growing.

After they had gone through markets all around the world. Many people buy diamond’s for themselves, loved ones and Etc, but did you know which type of people buy a lot of diamonds for themselves and wear them. Rappers are the most one’s who buy diamonds and wear it all around there bodies no matter what’s the price.